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photos; melb/nz

I would 100% say that this trip to Melbourne mainly consisted of food.

I went to Hardware Ln’s restaurants for the first time and swore to go back (and didn’t because I got distracted with all the other food related things Melbourne has to offer). I did go back to Nieuw Amsterdam and had no regrets paying an obscene amount of money for whatever those nugget looking things were (also gin).

We also went to a place called the Gin Palace because… How could you not go to a place with the word Palace in it’s name? It looked like a extremely high class place and I was wearing shorts and a tank top. The waitstaff were all highly excited to talk about gin. What a life.

Tim and I went on a roadtrip up New Zealand right after Melbourne. Somehow it was actually more relaxing than I thought it would be.

Christchurch was so lovely.

Every single sunset in NZ was incredible, every time it wasn’t too windy to live or too cold to go outside (even tho it was the middle of summer).

I honestly have no idea where the rest of my NZ photos are, so good luck to me in finding them.

I’m in Singapore at the moment. This year has been beyond intense so far. I’ll be posting a better update soon, when I actually have the tools I need to do the things I want.

I’m full of coffee & still tired, Annie.



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