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  • Annie

Saturday; AnnieSee

Here’s an intermission while I’m waiting for more photos to be printed. 

Actually posting drawings is probably what I should be doing more often, if anything. Annecy was a great trip so I didn’t draw nearly as much as I would have liked or should have at all. We did a lot of going to the pub and going on to the park and going to other places instead.

Next post will be up by Tuesday. Probably, maybe, perhaps .

Things that I could be doing right now:

  1. Improving my guitar calluses on my excellent new second hand Crafter guitar

  2. Drawing and/or animating

  3. Finding a holiday job for these and the next holidays

  4. Catching up with friends whom I haven’t seen since many holidays ago

  5. Studying German

Things that I am doing instead of doing those things:

  1. Thinking a lot about popcorn

  2. Staying up much too late watching many episodes of X-Files

  3. Drinking absurd amounts of tea

  4. Eating all the Swiss chocolate I purchased instead of giving them to friends that I should see

  5. Going to cafes all around Sydney with Steffie and spending stupid amounts of money on brownies and dirty chais

  6. Learning all about Elvis and his strange habits around women

The Truth is Out There, 


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