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Diannie; Paddle Pub



About 60% of Annecy is paddle boating, being at the park and then going to the pub. All for serious purposes if you have the effort to do so, but we are (unfortunately) chill people. I blinded people with my flash for pretty good reasons, but after this night my film winding thing became stuck more often than it should have and I ended up with a lot of accidental double exposures.

I have an absurd amount of photos of Colin on this roll because he’s a handsome fella. At some point during these photos we went to and swiftly left Mifa, which is a conference/market stall of some sort. The Russian animation stands had a wall completely impaled by pencils, bless them. 

I hope I can go to the Russian animation festival next year. 

I hope I can go to as many animation festivals around Europe as possible next year. 

Colin Colin Colin.

The park led straight into the lake, with a ledge between the two instead of having sand like at the beach. I can’t really process that, but it now makes way more sense when I see people tanning at the park in Australia I guess.

The grass in Europe is so soft. I ran around on it without fearing for the terror of bindis or blades of steel cutting my foot in half like I am in Australia. So soft.

I’m going to do so much sitting at parks next year.

I’ve started to look into the university application for Zurich and it’s so very, very confusing. My German is really the opposite of top notch, so that really doesn’t help. I have pretty much everything I need, except fingers crossed for the things I may have lost thanks to moving around every 6 months for the past three years. 

Has it really been three years? Life is moving very fast right now. 

I went to Lazy Bones again last night, and it was incredible. Probably fixed up the mini marathon of sad days I’ve been having for the past few (which is the reason why this post was definitely not going to be possible on Thursday). Better late than never. 

I did some angry sad drawings two nights ago that I might upload later in the week. 

I’ll try and upload more often next week, but you know how I am with schedules. Next time I’ll be able to post might be Monday or Tuesday. But you never know. 

I never ended up getting a call back from the possible job place. Next semester will be weird and empty since I’ll only have two subjects a week, so hopefully I either find a job or make a short film. 

Invest smart in people, 




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