Zines listed here are no longer in print and cannot be purchased.
Zines currently in print and for sale can be found on the Takeon Publishing website.
Chapter 3
$2.00, 2017
Chapter 3 was a zine I made at my first ever MCA Zine Makers Night event. It's made from cut outs of paragraphs from romance books (one of the types of books and magazines and materials we were provided on the night), focussing on their descriptions of women and... hopefully you get the vibe.
This was a mini-sized market-only zine that I didn't sell anywhere else. There was only one edition of printing.
$2.00, May 2016
This was one of my first zines, and I'm amazed I've managed to keep a copy. I had this idea in mind for a long time before committing it to paper. Originally it was going to be a comic, before discovering the zine medium. I think I would have sold this at my very first zine fair, at Otherworlds 2016.
This was a mini-sized zine that I sold very briefly online as part of a black and white zine pack. There were 2 printing editions.
Nach Hause
$1.00, May 2016
This was probably my actual very first zine. I had a template that I made by hand to make sure all my pages lined up, and then scanned that in and put images on top, before printing it out again and doing the words, scanning it in again, and printing out a set. This was one of 2 zines that I sold in a pair. I'm pretty sure I've accidentally sold the original copy of the other half of this zine set (it's called Ich Hab Dich Liebe and if you have a copy that you're willing to let me scan, I'd appreciate it! I don't even have the working files to it anymore). The photos are mostly my year in Europe, and the words about my first time feeling homesick.
This was a mini-sized zine I sold in a 2 zine set. There was only one edition of printing.